The Beginnings of a Christian Workplace Group in
Our London ambassador team, led by Hannah Hobden, has been working with and supporting Christians in many companies and organisations in central London.
Recently we had some enormously encouraging feedback from Amy in CBRE (a real estate services and investment firm) about the nascent group there. Her message shows how HR departments in large organisations ARE prepared to endorse the creation of a Christian Workplace Group, that it is not always difficult to convince management of the merits of having a Christian Workplace Group in the company, and, lastly, it shows the value of the work Transform Work UK does in supporting Christians seeking to set up a Christian Workplace Group at their workplace.
Amy's feedback was as follows:
"I just thought that I would give you an update on our progress here with the Christian network.
We met with HR last week and had a very positive meeting. They have said that the company will actively support us in setting up a Christian network and have asked that we provide a budget proposal should we wish to. We may choose to self fund the group, however the offer shows their commitment which is hugely encouraging.
It has been amazingly easy, and I’m sure that this is down to God’s impeccable timing once again! We will be free to operate independently but the network will come under the “World Faiths Group” which will be where future “faith” groups sit in the diversity and inclusion structure.
They were impressed with the proposal that I had put together and background research on other Christian Workplace Groups in the capital that we provided, so a huge thanks to you for your huge support with that.
We are now looking to becoming an officially recognised group and invite colleagues to join us and consider Christ.
Thank you Hannah, your support has been invaluable with getting to this point, we will continue to be in touch."