Day 15
Westminster Abbey Carols

Whitehall Carol Service in 2021
Tonight Christians in Government are holding their annual Westminster Abbey Carol Service from 6.30 to 7.30pm. This promises to be a wonderful event in which members of the civil service gather together with Ministers, MPs and representatives of the foreign diplomatic community. As usual there will be a collection for charity. This year will be Webber Street Day Centre which supports the homeless. Over £55,000 has been raised at Christians in Government events since 1999 for a wide range of charities, most of which support poverty relief.
The Whitehall Carol Service is arranged for Government and the civil service by Christians in Government UK, a Civil Service staff diversity network. When speaking with Aidan Mews, their Co Chair, he said “only a 1000 civil servants will be able to attend this year due to social distancing”. In the past this Christian Workplace Group has been able to fill the Abbey with 2000 civil servants and friends. This is incredible, I wonder how many churches in our nation would be able to reach so many to celebrate the birth of Emmanuel - God with us.
As you go about your day let us be praying for Aidan and Christians in Government. For a great Christian witness and that the name of Jesus would be glorified in every government department. Pray also for Holy Spirit to woo those colleagues who are far from God closer to Jesus, that they would experience God’s love this Christmas time.
For tickets to attend in person or online, or to make a voluntary donation CLICK HERE
For more details please contact