Fruitfulness on the Frontline
Fruitfulness on the Frontline is an 8-part DVD series for Christians who want to make a difference ‘on their frontline’ – wherever they are and in whatever day to day situations they encounter. It offers a fresh, simple framework for discovering the rich variety of ways in which God works in and through us. You can explore the session overview and watch some taster clips on the LICC Fruitfulness page.
Fruitfulness on the Frontline is produced by our friends at the London Institute of Contemporary Christianity (LICC). The DVD contains 8 short films (8 – 13 minutes in length) which are easy to watch and follow. Session guides, which include discussion questions and a short bible study and a takeaway action, can be downloaded from their website.
The course follows 6 ‘Ms’:
Modelling Godly character
Making good work
Ministering grace and love
Moulding culture
Being a Mouthpiece for trust and justice
Being a Messenger for the gospel
Transform Work UK recommends this excellent resource produced by the LICC Work Stream. Although it has wider applicability than just the workplace, it is a great tool for use in the work environment, covering many aspects of a Godly character which are so important in living for God in the workplace. This series doesn’t focus on big heroic acts that only ‘super Christians’ might ever hope to accomplish, but on the everyday aspects of life as a Christian that can speak volumes to others even when we don’t realise it.
| An educational course to help colleagues understand the Christian faith. |
| A ministry that seeks to equip a generation of Christian entrepreneurs, business leaders, influencers to do business as ministry. |
| Another way for colleagues enquiring about Christianity to discover Jesus through DVD and discussion. |
| DVD series which explores whether belief in God is compatible with science, or just an act of faith? |
| Transform Work have partnered with our Associate Anne de Leyser from Local Houses of Prayer (LHOP) to bring you a framework she developed for speaking blessings over your workplace or sphere of influence. |
| What has a Parenting Course got to do with Christian Workplace Groups? |
| As a Christian Workplace Group, God might be leading you into a greater emphasis on prayer for each other, your colleagues and your place of work. |
| How can the workplace become a place where individuals living with mental health challenges feel safe, supported, and a sense of belonging? |
| Digging deeping to discover that God is really interested in your actual work. It matters to him. |