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Transform Work Annual Report 2023-2024

It is so encouraging to see what God did in 2023 and how the ministry has grown. We are now international and have changed the name to Transform Work rather than Transform Work UK to reflect our new identity. In line with that we have a completely new, modern brand and website. Towards the end of our year we were very encouraged to be awarded a grant from the Haldane Trust to further our work in Scotland. 

Here is a response from Lloyd van Vuuren, Concert of Prayer:

"Thanks for this amazing report. I am happy for you to name me in it!"

We received so many encouraging words of support following the annual report, not least from one of our partners Roy & Esther Tinklenberg, Faith and Work Movement Global:

"We are honoured to partner with you and to be featured in your annual report. Thanks"

We do hope you will also be encouraged and have the same sense of excitement as you read through information. The report can be downloaded below:

TW Annual Report 2024 front pa

This Is My Story
Have a listen to Transform Work Ambassador Andy Smith share his powerful story with UCB2 presenter Matt Brown about how God healed his son.
Shine Your Light
Where better to shine your light this Christmas than in your workplace? A number of Christian Workplace Groups are planning to take part in this initiative, why not join them?
David’s Tent 2024 Review
Transform Work attended David’s Tent, a Christian festival at Charlton Park, Wiltshire. This is a review of how the weekend went.
Meet Our New Team Members
Meet some of the talented new people who are joing the Transform Work team.
Transform Work and Local Houses of Prayer 
Transform Work and Local Houses of Prayer are working in partnership to bring you a brand new resource to help you in the workplace.
And our newest Ambassador is....
During his entire career, he was an active member of Christian Workplace Groups. In 2016, after a talk by TransformWork, he felt challenged to pursue formal recognition of the Christian Workplace Groups within....
 Transform Work AGM 2024
Watch the presentations from our 2024 Annual General Meeting.
How Transform Work helped Joy 
Listen to Joy share her experience of connecting with Transform Work and how it affected her workplace experience.
Welcome Andrea Thomas  
Meet our Scottish Lead Ambassador
Virtual Groups
Don't give up the habit of meeting together. There are many ways Christians can continue to 'meet' - Christian connection and a Christian presence are two key aspects for Christian Workplace Group survival and impact.
Jesus To Be Revealed 2024
I am excited to announce details of our week of prayer to kick off Lent, starting on Monday 12 Feb. The theme will be ‘stretch’, based on three scriptures that God has impressed on us as we have begun praying into this new year.
Scottish Lead Ambassador Job Spec
Do you live in Scotland and are you passionate about Jesus and making him known in the workplace? Could you be our new Scottish Lead Ambassador?
Transform Work Annual Report 2022/2023 
What an exciting year it was from 2022 to 2023 for Transform Work and there is lots to look forward to in 2023/2024.
Thank you Haldane Trust
Do you live in Scotland and are you passionate about Jesus and making him known in the workplace? Could you be our new Scottish Lead Ambassador?

Planning your Visit